The Old Man has a Pocket Pair in Election Fraud

Gunner Bush
6 min readNov 12, 2020

November 11th 2020. Day 6 inside, and no sign of a coup d’etat. At least not yet. Right now it’s still election fraud with no proof. And I have only heard the rhetoric of one theory that might save the old man’s butt. Besides running down to the Gunshine State and playing the victim. #Resistance is already moving on social media, which after the left did that exactly in 2016 feels a little like watching the same episode again but this time all the parts are cast wrong.

So the lone move that I am hearing staffers mention, and take this with a grain of a salt because it’s all heresy. I’m not a legal expert, and none of these staffers have even thought about failing the bar. Their job is on the line so let’s just say it’s a hot discussion at the water cooler right now.

A few days ago, I laid out how the cheating was going on in 2018, among other times, and it was all being done by the good old boys. Most notable with malware on the voting machines. None of them are saying shit about it right now, and it really makes me want to get a team of white hat hackers together and start looking at all the machines for the dummy dems who haven’t yet because they were told it wasn’t active. (Chuck Schumer deleted the bookmark to his email, and ran to his staff swearing he had just deleted his entire email. And do I need to even mention John Podesta?)

But massive election fraud? It didn’t happen. The New York Times made a few calls, and that is that. Except, none of the Trumpies believe the Times. It’s fake news. A liberal machine out to hurt their dear lord and savior. Faux News seems to be finding all the fraud though even if the good old boys are paying folks to say it happened. It’s a coup d’etat of stupid. (Where is the FCC?)

And as the evidence piles up at Faux but not in real life, even as Bill Barr tells his roadies to look, the word on the street is that the old man just didn’t get it done. He blew his load with Julie Awning and the laptop too early, or he didn’t try to suppress the vote enough. Even his attempts to slow the mail didn’t work. And he was right for trying to stop it since it is what did him in in the end. He was trying though. Shit, he was trying like a horny teenager who’d been guaranteed some pussy, and he fell short.

That leads us to his plan, and of course, DeJoy. U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, that is. A lackey for the old man, who defied a federal order to get the mail moving.

“Before the election, U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan of the District of Columbia had ordered the Postal Service to sweep 12 postal processing facilities that cover 15 states for ballots.” — Wapo reports.

And Dejoy didn’t do it. He said fuck you to the federal judge. And it worked!

Tons and tons, thousands upon thousands of ballots didn’t make it. How many ballots exactly is hard to tell, but the mail was slowed down enough to make it have an impact. It just wasn’t slowed down enough for the old man to win.

Dejoy ignored a federal order for the old man. Because of loyalty, and stupidity. The old man won’t return the favor, and that’s why as the bus is slowing down and a man is needed to be thrown under it, Dejoy is wearing a shirt that says pick me. If this goes through, he will get railroaded harder than the Buffalo did.

He defied a federal judge! All for the old man, and my only question is how? That takes some onions on the part of Dejoy. And it almost worked. Sleepy Joe almost didn’t have the votes!

The left was up in arms, calling for the police to raid these post offices, find these ballots, and make them count against the old man! And now the old man is tapping his hand to his chin, rocking back and forth like a parent waiting for the perfect moment to say, “You kids were right, the post office held back ballots, look at all these ballots we are finding! Something has to be done!”

Remember when he fired Comey, and he turned to the left and said, “Well, you said he needed to be fired!” And he did, but not for investigating you!

The left is playing chess, and they think they’re playing checkers, and the whole time the old man is cheating at Connect Four, but really he’s just trying to rob and pillage. It’s a clusterfuck because he doesn’t respect any sort of establishment traditions, and from the outside it looks like a bunch of idiots playing games with rules, and he’s not only trying to cheat but advertising that he does.

It reminds me of Mitch McTurtle’s whole philosophy in life, “as long it’s legal or we can find a loophole it’s fair game.” That’s what they mean by constitutionalist. And that’s why the Turtle won’t do a thing about it.

The more ballots that they find, the more the old man will yell. Early estimates say it will be a lot, and the old man is gonna swear to promise that these were the ballots for him that were either replaced or just never made it in. AND HE’S THE ONE WHO SLOWED THE MAIL!

He doesn’t have the audacity of Johnson in Texas back in ‘48.(See the Box 13 Scandal Texas 1948). So he’s not going to admit a few of the votes might have been for Sleepy Joe. Nope, all his. So if they find 300 ballots or 500,000, they will all be for him.

And look who ignored the order from a federal judge. DeJoy.

How many ballots were stuck in the mail? Dejoy set the old man up! That’s gonna be the narrative, and how all the real mail in ballots never made it in. Whether that means all the ballots that did, were frauds, or there was just a bunch that didn’t as well. Doesn’t matter though because it’s fraud. ELECTION FRAUD!

Throw this election out, or make the old man the winner. He will let them redo the election with no mail in ballots during a pandemic. He knows his base will show up again, and Sleepy Joe doesn’t have that same type of crowd. He just wants to get it into the courts, and keep the process moving.

Also almost 30k voters got mailed the wrong ballot in Pittsburgh. Seriously. All these ballots with spelling errors or something in Allegheny County had to be replaced, but how many people sent in the bad ballot? How many were for the old man?

So the old man has his team of lawyers right now are combing the deserts right now Space Balls style searching for any judge in these states that might support Q, or might just be a loyalist to the old man. Just to get it into the system, and if they can keep falling up, great.

Julie Awning is ready to fly anywhere at any time to fire up a press conference. That’s how the loyalists are, and Dejoy is a pure one. He’s gonna get thrown through the wood chipper if needed though.

It’s just a longshot because all the fuckery was caused by the old man, but he is holding a pocket pair. Whether those two cards are aces or fours remains to be seen. A lot of it depends on how he plays them, and who he is playing against. He’s looking to go all in, and he’s looking to cheat as much as he can. And that’s all they have right now. It’s gonna see daylight though, and don’t say I didn’t break it here first.

In a nutshell: Dejoy didn’t act on a federal warrant, ballots were found all over the post office, and that’s the election fraud. Will it hold up though?

(By law, however, if I do bring up the Turtle of the Senate, I have to make a note that I don’t know whether or want Mitch McConnell pooped his pants back in 2004.)

Also I wanted to make sure I repped my favorite baseball team, and stand with 16. A great one from Illinois,and of course he was born in my home state of Bluegrass. My hat looks wrecked since it was in my bag all day, Go Cubs Go…

Add me on twitter or whatever GunnerBush

​And remember children, turn off the Faux News..



Gunner Bush

WH Press Reporter until 1-20-21. From the Ville to the District